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CACFP Coordinator

At Scaffold Enterprises, our Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Coordinator service is designed to seamlessly navigate the complexities of nutrition programs for childcare providers. Our dedicated coordinators ensure compliance with CACFP guidelines, maximizing benefits for participating early childhood education programs. From managing meal reimbursement paperwork to providing guidance on nutrition standards, our experts streamline the administrative burden, allowing educators to prioritize what they do best – nurturing young minds. With a focus on efficiency and regulatory adherence, our CACFP Coordinator service is a valuable asset for childcare professionals aiming to provide healthy and nutritious meals to the children in their care.

Program Enrollment Assistance

Our CACFP services include comprehensive support for program enrollment, guiding childcare providers through the application process to ensure a smooth and efficient entry into the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Documentation & Record Keeping

Ensure compliance with CACFP regulations through our meticulous documentation and recordkeeping services. We assist in maintaining accurate records of meals served, attendance, and other essential documentation to meet program requirements.

Menu Review & Compliance Audits

Our services include regular menu reviews and compliance audits to ensure that meal plans align with CACFP nutritional standards. This proactive approach helps providers maintain compliance and optimize program benefits.

Meal Planning

Scaffold Enterprises offers expertise in creating balanced and nutritious meal plans that comply with CACFP guidelines


Scaffold Enterprises provides tailored training and professional development opportunities for childcare providers participating in CACFP. Stay updated on program requirements, nutrition education, and best practices to enhance the quality of meal services.

Continuous Program Monitoring & Support

Receive ongoing support and monitoring to address any emerging needs or changes in CACFP regulations. Scaffold Enterprises is committed to providing continuous assistance, ensuring that childcare providers navigate the program seamlessly while offering nutritious meals to the children in their care.

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